2010 Property Investor of the Year, Prue Muirhead proudly holds a significant profile within the media and property investment industry.
Prue purchased her first investment property at the age of 19, she was able to generate positive cash flow from this property and self managed the rental as a teenager.
Prue writes regular investment articles for national property investment magazines and teaches property investment and property management at TAFE SA. Prue and her husband, Andy, hold a large positive cash flow property portfolio and have a complete understanding how property can change your life !
Prue holds the following qualifications and recognition: 2010 Australian Property Investor of the Year, 2009 Property Women’s ‘cash flow queen’, multiple Property Management awards, Certificate IV – Financial Services (Finance/Mortgage Broking), Certificate IV – Training and Assessment and Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate).
Crazy things I've done:
> Pinched a good looking guy's backside to get his attention at 18 & have now been married to that good looking guy Andy for over 20 years!
> I was a Disc Jockey & MC for 15 years.
> Made an unconditional cash contract on a commercial building and then could not get finance!! ouch!!
>Entered a national competition for Property Investor of the year in 2010 & won!
To have fun:
I love watching my children play sport, socialising
& watching movies (Oh... and going to gym because
I know this is the right thing to say!!)
Favourite Books:
>Princess - by Jean Sasson
>Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki (changed my life)
Favourite Movies:
Grease, Ghost, Bohemian Rhapsody
I love Adelaide because:
Adelaide is just beautiful..it is where I have lived most of my life, it's where my children were born & where we decided to settle down after travelling Australia for 2 years (2010/2011)
Life Philosophy:
Forgive others for not being the person I want them to be, no regrets because you can only ever do what you think is right at the time.... Plus, smile as the glass of wine is always half full. :)
Contact PRUE to discuss your investment property
& your strategy today !
0412 847 811

Andy Muirhead began his property investment and management journey at the age of 20. Andy has had a diverse back ground that makes him the ideal property manager to deal with your tenants and your property maintenance.
Combine his skill set of 7 years police experience, with a trade and building background, then add 25 years of property investing and property managing experience and you create the most suited and effective property manager.
Andy has also been driven to this area of specialty through years of experiencing poor service from his own property managers as a landlord. Andy sees all aspects of property management through the eyes of the landlord and believes he has a distinct advantage given his background and skills with life experience, trade and building knowledge, police experience and owning multiple investment properties.
Andy holds the following qualifications: Diploma Property Services, Certificate IV Property Services, Land Agents Registration – RLA257369, Certificates in Timber Framing Code AS1684/Building Site Supervision and General Construction Timber Trades.
Crazy things I've done:
>Bungee Jumps
>Joined the military
>Became a police officer,
>Renovated property
>Travelled Australia in a caravan for two years
>Managed a resort
>Travelled around the world
>Became a full time student at 38.
To have fun:
I really love alpine skiing! There is no other activity that comes close.
Favourite Book:
Biography of Bode Miller
Favourite Movie:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
I love Adelaide because:
It's where I now live and it is the perfect size for a city to call home !
Life Philosophy:
Practice being calm and polite every day of your life. A smile doesn't hurt either!! Remember to go skiing as often as possible so you can always live in the moment.
Contact ANDY to discuss the management of your investment property.
0412 481 217

Benson Muirhead purchased his very first investment property at the tender age of 21 years.
Benson began his property journey at the age of 2, being born into the Muirhead family which found him at regular property open inspections & listening to negotiations as his parents Andy & Prue Muirhead were building their property portfolio.
After starting his first job at the age of 14, Benson started saving his wages for a future investment property. Benson completed his year 12 & moved into working in the family business, Muirhead Property Management.
Benson has completed his Property Management qualification & now studying for his diploma in Property Services, Benson eventually intends to take over the family business.
An incredibly kind, trustworthy & happy character, Benson is liked by all. He has become a incredible asset to Muirhead Property Management. You will find Benson dealing with everything from open inspections, to tenancy ‘sign up’s, ingoing inspections & all day to day running of the business.
Benson purchased his very first investment property at the age of 21 & intends to purchase his next property at the age of 24.
Crazy things I've done:
>After wanting free donuts on a school camp, I bought a box of 24, sold them to my friends in the bus & ended up with 6 donuts free!!
>I studied certificate 2 in Electronic technology in high school, to only work as an electrician for 1 week.
>Worked one day as a plumber & decided a desk job was better than a ‘smelly’ job!@!
>Purchased my first investment property ‘unconditional’ to crunch the deal
>Travelled around Australia being home schooled
>I climbed through a Vietnamese tunnel
>I have rolled my left ankle 3 times!!
>I love skiing black runs & I am faster at skiing than my father LOL
To have fun:
I love playing volleyball, my guitar & the piano.
Favourite Books:
Song of Ice & Fire
Favourite Movies:
Sam Raimi’s Spiderman & Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows
I love Adelaide because:
It is such a quiet city. It’s my home!
Life Philosophy
Do what makes you happy, give yourself joy & live your best life.
Contact BENSON to discuss the management of your investment property.
0435 479 679